Daily Pisces Horoscope September 14 (14/09)


Feb 19 − Mar 20

Alias: Alias: The Fish

September 14


daily pisces horoscope:

summary pisces daily

Star 10/10

Getting on top of a current workload could prove easier than staying on top of it. While there are benefits to fulfilling a work-related duty or obligation, its important to remember there is much to be enjoyed by doing what inspires you. If you need some you time, then nows a perfect time to take it. Try not to be focused so intently on placating someone else.


summary pisces tomorrow

Star 9/10

An initiative youve invested much time and effort to organize could be prone to change with little or no warning. Its unlikely this sudden alteration is due to an oversight on your part. However, your imagination can save the day by helping you benefit from applying a spontaneous solution. This might prove to be a better option than the original - and give you a sense of justified pride.


summary pisces weekly

Star 8/10

A certain thought or vision could be indelibly stamped on your mind or subconscious this week. It could also have a very strong ability to keep repeating itself in ways you might find difficult to shake. Have faith in the fact that a purpose exists surrounding what you might feel forced to consider. Its possible youre being pushed this week to take action in a way youve ignored taking until now. Push could be coming to shove for the most helpful - and timely - reasons.


summary pisces monthly

Star 7/10

If youve been considering exploring potential work opportunities or embarking upon a self-improvement plan of some kind, then coming weeks could bring reassuring and pleasing results. September looks set to be a month that brings greater levels of creative fulfillment, too. If your imaginative ideas have fallen on deaf ears or been misunderstood, then it looks like someone is about to get your point. Its the Full Moon in your sign that could make the first half of the month a particularly emotional time. This will be made considerably easier if you accept that others problems neednt be your own or you neednt feel guilty about something beyond your control.


health pisces daily

Star 10/10

Emotional days are not rare for you, but this could be one of them. If you\re feeling like everything concrete and solid is out of reach, don\t fret. Concentrate on your ability to know what you feel, and take a private inventory of how the week, season, year is going for you. It\s not something everyone can easily do, so it\s possible you could help your friends with this, today, too. Make yourself available to others, and you may find your solid ground in the process.


health pisces tomorrow

Star 7/10

When sleep is good, so is the rest of life, generally speaking! Every now and then we need to adjust our sleeping habits consciously so that we are insured of good rest. You may need a new bed! You may need new pillows or sheets or something warmer or something cooler. Strive to perfect your sleeping area. Everything should be as you like it. This is one area of life that should not be economized: rest is paramount.


health pisces weekly

Star 8/10

The Universe is calling you to take action. You may have a burst of energy that helps you excel at your workouts and do more than ever before. You\ll also be a lot more competitive, which is going to show up in all kinds of ways. Your perspective on your health is going to change for the better over the months and years ahead.


health pisces monthly

Star 10/10

With luscious Venus dancing through your wellness sector for much of the month, the cosmos is encouraging you to unwind. Think warm baths with a soothing blend of essential oils or the calming smell of scented candles. This can be the time to address your beauty regimen and consider if youre using the best products for your face, hair, nails, and body. You may also favor more natural versions over chemical-filled blends, as youre likely to tolerate them better. This focus could encourage you to overindulge or ease up on your exercise routine when just a little more discipline could help you stay in control.


love pisces daily

Star 9/10

As you usually love to cook, you will be surprised at what you find on the menu. Today the romantic beginning that looked so promising seems to be turning into a race to see who can be the more learned of the two of you. Season your stories with some interesting anecdotes and you\ll have a palatable enough dish for two.


love pisces tomorrow

Star 9/10

If you have recently fallen into a wonderful relationship, only to find that you have fallen out just as quickly, take heart. You may be temporarily estranged, but this will not last. One of you has to make the first move; but even if this means a really expensive dinner or luxurious gift, it is well worth every effort.


love pisces weekly

Star 8/10

Theres a lot to be said for being patient in the first part of the week. Youre anxious to get things started with someone new, but letting the anticipation build can be pretty spectacular. Youre a pro at creating romantic scenes at weeks end, so if you and a date end up at your place, youve got the bases covered. Soft lighting and music pave the way for whatever comes next!


love pisces monthly

Star 9/10

A full moon in gentle Pisces on September 6 should help you wrap up loose ends. You must be the bad guy sometimes, but you have a solid reputation as a nice person, which makes dealing with romantic unpleasantness a little easier. The sun leaves the confines of Virgo to play in Libra on September 22, but indecisiveness stands between you and romantic bliss. You can have your cake, but you cant eat it, too. A clash between soft Venus and sympathetic Neptune on September 26 doesnt help matters, and your needs and desires could get lost along the way. Be as sensitive to your feelings as you are to others.


career pisces daily

Star 7/10

You will encounter difficult challenges in your daily routine. Conflict comes when someone or something doesn\t match your expectations of what should be happening. Instead of expecting the other person or thing to change, shift your expectations.


career pisces tomorrow

Star 9/10

This is not a day to work alone. Doing so will most certainly fail. Any attempts at self-discipline will go down in flames. On the flipside, by joining together with others, a spirit of camaraderie will develop and your work will go fast and smooth.


career pisces weekly

Star 9/10

You may be feeling rather insecure or irritable on the job. This is a great time to tackle big projects that need to be broken down into smaller tasks. Think about what you can do to improve your health. It\s especially important to be physically active if you have a desk job. You could be worrying unnecessarily at the end of the week. Remember the saying, \"Don\t sweat the small stuff. It\s all small stuff!\"


career pisces monthly

Star 8/10

Fame and acclaim for your creative talent could arrive near September 6. Dont be surprised if youre given a high-profile position, promotion, or award during the first half of the month. The full moon is shining light on all your achievements. If youve been yearning to move into a more artistic field, this is the time to do so. Beware of taking on a partner in the days around September 20. Someone who seems hardworking and diligent could delay your progress. Not only will this so-called expert be hypercritical but theyll also act like a know-it-all. The new moon makes it difficult to form supportive partnerships now.



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