Daily Virgo Horoscope August 24 (24/08)


Aug 23 − Sep 22

Alias: Alias: The Virgin

August 24


daily virgo horoscope:

summary virgo daily

Star 9/10

As keen as you might be to detach yourself from others in the belief doing so will help you to gain perspective on a confusing or troubling matter, you could be inadvertently pushing away support and insight you need. Try not to convince yourself an issue is something you need to resolve on your own or that a problem shared is a problem doubled. Whats preoccupying your thoughts is something that can be resolved easily if youre willing to accept support others are keen to offer.


summary virgo tomorrow

Star 9/10

In an age where conveying thoughts and feelings is done easily with technology, try to opt for some good, ol fashioned face-to-face communication. Electronic communication relies too much on the recipient understanding a message in the way it was intended, and plenty of scope exists for miscommunication or misunderstandings if you try to take an easy way out where an essential dialogue is concerned now. To say what you need to say, be willing to look someone in the eye.


summary virgo weekly

Star 8/10

Getting to grips with changes occurring in more than one area of your world or becoming clearer about your long-term vision of the future might require you to detach yourself from the rest of the world to take stock of your situation. This isnt you being unsociable; its a healthy and necessary step thats needed for you to assess where you are currently with a closely-held aspiration - and where you want to be.


summary virgo monthly

Star 8/10

More than one area of your world looks set to alter during coming weeks and focus is likely to be given to work and health matters. For some Virgos, a new job opportunity could arise around the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on the 7th and help you to put a stressful work-related episode to rest. Steps you need to take to improve your lifestyle could become clear, especially where a health matter is concerned. As the month progresses, you could feel inclined to detach yourself from the rest of the world briefly. This is healthy and can prove to be rejuvenating in more than one way.


health virgo daily

Star 10/10

Your emotions may keep you from acting on your impulses these days and that could hamper your style, but don\t fret! Learn to love your moments of \"down-time\" - use them to reflect on what is important to you. You may have more to reflect on than you give yourself time for. That\s another reason why it\s healthy to have a regular exercise regime built into your schedule. Not only is it a workout for your body, your mind has a chance to regroup.


health virgo tomorrow

Star 7/10

Working too hard is your way of avoiding possible emotional conflict, and I want to encourage you to face your emotions because there are great things ahead! Use the strategy of time management to get yourself in and out of work and to the gym so you can have a good physical workout a few times a week. Exercise helps reveal to us what we are really experiencing. The emotions you face today are the opportunities of tomorrow.


health virgo weekly

Star 8/10

Your main problem is your nerves. There\s a lot going on - more than usual - and life could be both interesting and stressful. While you\re more than ready to handle any challenge, you need to boost your body\s resources by eating well, feeding your nerves, and above all, getting plenty of rest. You need the chance to slow down so you can be calm enough to make important decisions.


health virgo monthly

Star 10/10

With a Lunar Eclipse occurring in your health sector on August 7, you may feel its time to change your ways, particularly if youve noticed certain symptoms. This Eclipse could coincide with a radical new approach that involves diet, exercise, and other elements all working together to leave you feeling fit and fabulous. If youve had an issue for some time, you cant expect to be rid of it overnight, so the astrological picture urges patience. In fact, making peace with your situation and yourself can go a long way toward helping you feel better.


love virgo daily

Star 10/10

Even you, the most solid and dependable person in the zodiac, occasionally have your off days. Today\s planetary configuration indicates that you have the chance to change something that has needed some attention. If this concerns your partner, then you have to be careful how you tread. The floor is slippery and you don\t want any accidents. How you say what you have to say is vital.


love virgo tomorrow

Star 7/10

Sometimes you find frank discussions quite disturbing. They intrude into the banality of everyday living, bringing with them a very distressing atmosphere. However, the current planetary aspect may make you realize that it just has to be done. It is not so bad, and your partner will probably be quite glad to talk about something they also wish to resolve. Allow healing into your relationship.


love virgo weekly

Star 7/10

Youre ready to get something started. Is it possible your high standards will drop down just a bit in the first part of the week simply because youre anxious to find a compatible person? Perhaps, but only on a short-term basis. You like being helpful, and the weekend is full of opportunities to show off your useful skills. You definitely have what it takes to impress a potential date!


love virgo monthly

Star 10/10

Natural conclusions occur during the Aquarius Full Moon-Lunar Eclipse on August 7, but optimism is the result. It isnt time to act now, but positive changes lie ahead. A trying Venus-Jupiter square on August 17 could highlight differences rather than similarities between you and your date, but questioning whether youre meant to be wont lead anywhere positive. Work with the hand youre dealt instead of trading it for a new one. You feel comfortable and content as the Sun enters Virgo on August 22, allowing romance to unfold naturally. Its so much better when you dont feel like youre under pressure to perform.


career virgo daily

Star 9/10

Your instincts are telling you to dream, and dream big, but yet something is holding you back. It could be that you are doing so much to help others that you are neglecting your own personal growth and financial gain. Put more focus on yourself.


career virgo tomorrow

Star 8/10

Ideas that you thought were top notch about a week ago suddenly do not seem so smart after all. Someone comes forth with a new perspective that has you rethinking your current viewpoint. Don\t be afraid to make last minute changes to your strategy.


career virgo weekly

Star 9/10

This is a highly creative time. It supports good relationships with co-workers. You can also recruit support for your ideas among groups who share your business interests. The stars support taking action to improve your situation. You\ll be happiest if you can be on your feet and active. Friday can slow or delay plans. It\s important to be patient. Don\t take thoughtless comments seriously.


career virgo monthly

Star 9/10

Youll finish an ongoing assignment in early August, causing you to smile with pride. People are impressed by the profits youve generated. What started as a small project has grown into a full-fledged income stream. By August 7, job recruiters will be beating a path to your door. The opportunity to work behind the scenes for a powerful executive is worth pursuing. Youre highly service oriented. Working to make someones life easier will be very rewarding. Be willing to make a big career shift around August 21. Continuing to carry out the same old routine will be a waste of precious resources.



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